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The group MISSION

The Evolution MCB Group's mission is to inspire and help to achieve long term growth objectives, by being a personal and business performance improvement magnet, advisor, coach, guide and enabler, for all the positive measurable change goals that are set to be achieved.

This will be done by sharing the experience and skills developed along a lifetime and across careers, the winning best practices already proved effective, helping others to benefit from the same. Because it is the contribute to the world the Evolution Group is delighted to provide.

The first year (2021) the Group aims to offer its Wellness, Style and Language services to individuals (B2C), and its Consulting services to SME and post-seed Start-Up (B2B), to help the small businesses who most need affordable and flexible advisory to thrive during and post C19.

The group values

  • Inspiring & pursuing positive growth & development (Evolution!)

  • Integrity & Purity (behavioural and dress-code decency, honesty)

  • Trust & respect (equality beyond EA '10 & perceived social class)

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