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this site translations

The official language of the eCommerce Site is English. Translations are performed by AI that translates English into different languages:

these computerised (and free of cost) translations are an approximation of the original content in English, therefore they should not be considered exact as they may contain numerous errors, because are currently not revised by human translators (who would for example correct that the word 'book' in "Book this service" is not the translated word for 'book to read' but the translated word meaning 'to reserve').

The cost of outsourcing human-translations or revisions of the AI-ones, or the required time investment, at the moment are not viable for a micro-SME as Evolution Wellness (mcb), which operates non-for-profit to serve the community, acting as humble helper and aiming to be an enabler and amplifier for its Independent Contractors and their end-clients' success,  personal and professional and financial growth, and for their constant improvement.


Site design is also optimised for the English version of the eCommerce, therefore the translated pages might present visual errors as their editing is minimal and time-wise quite limited.

Also, content that is updated in the English version may not be updated in all translated pages, as this is not automated but prompted text-box by text-box and page by page for each language (given that the service provider "translate site" no longer works). Therefore, the most updated content for reference has to be considered only that of the English version. Translations are provided only to offer to some non-English speaking audience some indicative information about the content of this Site.

If any mother tongue reader of this eCommerce-translated-pages wishes to contribute to the revision of the AI-translations from English into other languages, on a voluntarily and free basis as in the Wikipedia model of contribution, we will publish on each translated page the name of the translator and we will tag this for SEO, with the aim of increasing the translator's online presence and her/his indexing ranking on searches, to benefit the advertisement of their services as translators. This is however a contributing service we will not pursue and we accept only if freely and proactively offered to us on a pro-bono basis, as in the Wikipedia model, and under presentation of ID and good translators credentials. 

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